Share, connect and chat!

For this week’s blog post, we were asked to consider some of the advantages and disadvantages of using social media to showcase students work publicly. As you already know, there are a wide range of social media sources which can be used to display student work or to assist in learning. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and blogging are some of the most commonly used social media sources by teachers today.

For instance, teachers can create a Facebook Group Page, specifically designed for their classroom. On this page, teachers can showcase their students work, post assignments/reminders, control its group members and maintain steady contact with both students and parents. Instagram can showcase student work by offering a place to feature student art work. Twitter provides a place where students can access current information about the world and use the information they find for classroom discussions, activities, or projects. However, there are many more social media tools available that each serve a different purpose. Some teachers may note that social media, when it is used appropriately, can be a useful tool rather than a distraction.

If you do not have experience using social media as a teaching tool, here are some of the pros and cons involved:

Pros of using social media in the classroom:

  • Social media sites can increase student collaboration
  • Using social media in the classroom can encourage more participation
  • Social media sites can be useful for homework help
  • Share resources quickly when using social media in the classroom
  • Social media helps keep parents, teachers and students all on the same page

Cons of using social media in the classroom:

  • Social media can be a distraction in class if it is not used in a supervised/controlled setting
  • Improper use of social media in the classroom
  • Using social media in the classroom can detract from human interaction
  • Cyber bullying on social media websites
  • Posting inappropriate content on social media websites

With social media being an ingrained part of today’s society, it seems almost impossible to avoid it. So, before you make the decision to dismiss it, consider “learning in the open” to be a positive experience. Moreover, the many life lessons we can learn from using social media. As teachers, we have the ability to control the setting and the way we allow our students to use social media during class time. But if we expect our students to be responsible digital citizens while using social media, then we need to teach them how to be. Many of our students are unaware of the consequences associated with the inappropriate use of social media. Therefore, we need to educate them about internet safety and all that comes with it; such as the do’s and don’ts when sharing or posting information online. We must also model appropriate commenting skills and social media etiquette. Yes, social media can be used for enjoyment but these tools were also created for a reason. Therefore, introducing social media sources to your students while also demonstrating their specific purposes through a teacher-guided lesson is recommended. Remember, there are many social media platforms that have great educational potential. So, it is time to start exploring them and discover all the different ways they can showcase student work but also contribute to learning.

Thanks for stopping by!



6 thoughts on “Share, connect and chat!

  1. Hey Roxanne! I loved your thought on making students responsible digital citizens by using and teaching social media in the classroom. If they are going to use it anyways, we might as well teach them how to properly use it and make sure they understand the consequences of their actions on the web. I think the reason teachers shy away from teaching digital literacy and proper use of social media is because they aren’t the “experts” on it. Most teachers are learning about the latest social media trend from their children or their students and they don’t know enough about it to make informed decision regarding proper use or know how to teach students who are already “experts” about it! It’s definitely something we need to overcome as teachers and lifelong learners. Do you think there is a standard age where we should start talking about these consequences of improper social media output? Is it teacher preference or should it be ingrained from a young age?

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    • Thanks for stopping by and reading my post, Shelby! I completely agree with you when you stated that many teachers shy away from digital literacy because they feel they’re not experts at it themselves. Personally, I feel that children within today’s society are being exposed to technology at such a young age, I’m talking 5 years old! So, perhaps it is a good idea for teachers to start teaching about digital citizenship, consequences for inappropriate online behaviour and social media etiquette before they expose their students to anything online. I realize this information can be a lot to take in for younger children, but there are ways to start the process of internet safety, it would just depend on how the teacher or even parent plans to do so.

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  2. Pingback: Finding Balance While Keeping Up With “The Times” – Ashley Jamison's Blog

  3. I so agree with your post Roxanne! Like you mentioned, social media is everywhere so its hard to not be involved with it in some way. I teach younger grades, so I forget that the older kids don’t automatically know the consequences of irresponsible/inappropriate internet use. When I introduced Seesaw to my Grade Ones, we had a lesson about appropriate posting, courtesy of the pledge provided by Seesaw. I hope that more teachers and parents continue to discuss and teach appropriate internet behaviours. Like you said there are so many benefits, it’d be great if we can reap them in the classroom!

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  4. Hi Roxanne,
    I am admitting I am one of those teachers who shy away from using technology/social media in the classroom because I am not familiar and comfortable with them. I do realize the importance of using social media in some format as it is all around us and it is a way to connect students’ school lives with their personal lives. By understanding the cons and being prepared on how to potentially deal with the risks makes the idea a lot less daunting.

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  5. Pingback: Learning in the open…should we be concerned? | roxanneleungsblog

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